Thursday, November 10, 2011

Petrol Hike a Silver lining

We have all heard of the petrol prices going up in the last year

Fifth Petrol Price Hike in India This Year

Revolt Against Petrol Hikes in India

Petrol price hike from Rs 8 to Rs 58 in 20 years

and there are a lot more articles that you can come across.
The trend that fuel hike takes is
Fuel hike  = rise in transportation = rise in essential commodities = everything has gone up except income.

While this is a disaster of sorts, there is a silver lining a see through all this,
I say why increase it by 1.80 or 2 Rs/ - I say increase rates to 100 to 500 Rs/-
Its makes fuel so unaffordable that we all get screwed big time,
So what is the silver lining in all this

It will force all to leave their car's & bikes at home and take up public transport,
this will force the improvement of public transport. (hopefully)
Alternately people will start walking and cycling to places
a healthier approach to life, also it would be easier as there would be lesser traffic to deal with.
Most people will have to return to their home towns and villages and take up farming
this increases the country's internal food supply and bringing down cost as supply increases.
Alternate methods will finally get implied which are not only cost effective
but also environment friendly, like solar and wind powered transport,
may be fuel produced in our own backyard and thus reducing our dependency from the oil exporting countries.

So while the silver line might be a very thin one,
hope it does not leave us drenched out waiting for the rainbow to appear.

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